We see some “Ymodem: too many transmission attemps”, and “Failed to send block - retrying part. X tries remaining”.
And then the upgrade application just stops, sometimes on retry 10, sometimes on retry 19, but never gets to the last retry, it kind of gets stuck.
This just happens on some PCs while on others it goes fine, we are kind of assuming is PC dependent, but if so, are there any sierra “com port” drivers that we need to use?
Thanks for the response. I am using w10 on both PCs
I can access the ATI port, that works fine, and the FW download starts but gets stuck on in the middle.
Now the HL is constantly rebooting, I can see the bootloader port, then the application ports, and reboots. Now working with the previous PC, on which I am able to do successful upgrades, If I am able to engage the HL78 when in bootloader, I can do an upgrade, but stills rebooting forever…