Is the HL7802 attached to your host computer via USB or UART? (my guess is USB)
Are you certain that COM15 is the HL7802 port?
It looks like you are using a windows host computer? I had similar problems which I think are caused by Windows driver issues which I was unable to solve. I changed to a Linux host computer and was able to successfully flash the HL7802
Do you mean HL7800. is working but HL7800. is not working ?
If so, you can extract those two exe by 7zip, inside there is a sft.exe for FW downloading.
You can use the sft.exe in to, after that you can upgrade by:
What I mean is that even with HL7800. being able to run the whole update, the module still has the same problem of not responding to ATI9 and it answers HL7800.?.?.?.0 .
only this one. We have had many boards running with this module for a long time. This single one stopped working after some time in test and when I checked the modem, it was like that ( not knowing its version). I also tried to read the ICCID through AT+CCID? and I also get error.
I guess I will suppose I have some failure during the tests or some other electrical issues. Or is there something I could try to bring this module back?