RV50X fw4.17 loss of Verizon APN

We have had two field modems lose its Verizon FW after being configured and working properly. I have a current rv50x that will not accept Verizon APN at all. Anyone experiencing this?

Hi @lholguin,

“We have had two field modems lose its Verizon FW after being configured and working properly”

→ According to description, I understand that in the Admin > Radio Module Firmware field, it doesn’t show that RV50X is running Verizon firmware, is that right? If not, please describe in more detail.

Please also share screenshots of the Admin > Radio Module Firmware tab as well as the WAN/Cellular > Cellular tab. Additionally, please provide the template file to me.


In the override APN thats our correct APN but in the use it says not found.

Hi @lholguin,

Your RV50X is running ALEOS 4.17.0, is that correct?

Please update to ALEOS 4.17.1 to see if the issue is resolved.


This appears to be the exact issue I was having in another thread APN not being set properly - #18 by jerdung. I’ve tried updating ALESO to 4.17.1 as the update notes addressed APN issues but still ‘APN not found’ despite having override APN. I’ve been reaching out to SierraWireless support but their transition with SEMTECH has made it a little more difficult and I haven’t received any reply.