How to get started with FX30?What are the general steps to be followed when we are using FX30

legatodemofx303g.wp85 - .txt (4.3 MB)
This file

OEM help me to do setup, but im not able to connect him

If it works , why don’t you use same method to another modem?

I dont remember exactly what steps he performed i just rember he created container in docker and created update file in vs code and copied same code in modem

You can transfer the update file to module by scp.
And then you can use “update xxx.update” the app to module

can you please tell me from where do i have to copy like using command prompt or any other terminal,

or using power shell, what is the exact command for copying it

I think you need to contact oem to have some basic training …

You need to use winscp to transfer file

ok Thankyou for your help