I have an XR80 router at a fixed location. I want to set up GRE tunnels to five locations. The first tunnel sets up fine. The second tunnel won’t create, it says the WAN INTERFACE, INBOUND KEY, and OUTBOUND KEY is not unique. I am duplicating tunnels that had previously been set up on an LX60. I am not wanting to set up keys (this is a private apn) and the only WAN INTERFACE is CELLULAR. Anyone have any thoughts.
UPDATE: Got the Tunnel to create by adding keys 1001001 for Inbound and 1001002 for the outbound (less digits didn’t seem to work). This also fixed the WAN interface however it ensures that connections can NOT be made to LX60 as they don’t have any keys field for GRE. Does this mean that XR80 can only establish connections with other XR80?