Trouble updating firmware for what I think is RC7611?

I seem to be having issues getting the firmware updated. But first, I don’t see anywhere on this chip or dev board the phrase “RC7611”. The only things I can see is a white sticker on the board that says “RC-22” and on the chip itself it says “RC7110”. Anyways…

When I get to the part of the directions where it has you go to the Source page and download the exe file, I downloaded the Generic firmware file. When I run it, I get a device error code - Uknown device error code.

I have no idea how to tell which carrier plan my sim card is. Maybe if I could find that out I could download the specific carrier firmware file? Here are a couple screenshots that may help determining if I’m on the right track or not

didn’t “ati” show RC7110?

What exe are you downloading to it?

The file I’m downloading from the Source page is called RC76xx_Release9_GENERIC_PTCRB_7611

I don’t think you can download RC76 FW to a RC7110 module

When I search RC7110, nothing comes up for firmware. Maybe I just don’t need to update the firmware?? I dunno, I’m just following the startup guide for the RC76 development kit because I know thats what we have :slight_smile:

At this stage, you need to contact distributor to get the FW for RC7110

it is now available here: