We have a data collection device containing an RV50X that is exhibiting some strange WAN connectivity issues. I have captured logs from the device but am uncertain how to interpret the content of the log files and was hoping you might be able to shed some light on the behavior of the device.
This RV50X is running ALEOS The device has a single SIM in slot 1 and is provisioned to operate on the Verizon cell network. This device is mounted on a short tower relatively close to a Verizon cell site. The gateway reports RSSI values of between -24 and -20. Despite the high input signal levels, the gateway seems able to connect to the network for only a few minutes per day. There have been a few stretches of multiple days without the ability to connect to the cell network.
This gateway is configured for IP passthrough of the WAN interface to the USB interface (where the data collection device host processor is connected). When the cellular WAN connection is not available the host processor is offered a local (non-routable) IP address from the gateway’s DHCP server. When the WAN connection is available the host receives the IP address assigned by the carrier to the RV50X’s WAN interface.
I intended to attach two files but since I am a “new” forum user I am not allowed to post. The first was to be a configuration template (*.xml) file downloaded from the gateway. The second file was the filtered log file downloaded from the gateway. The log filtering was left configured with its default settings. In the log file are all or part of 16 boot cycles of the gateway. In two of these cycles the gateway manages to connect to the cell network and provide an external address to the device host processor. In these instances we can see the Radio-state advancing from INIT → READY → ACTIVATION → ACTIVATED → CARRIER_SELECTION → NOTREADY_WAIT → CONNECT → DISCOVERY → CONNECTED. In the cycles in which the connection fails the radio state transitions from INIT → ERROR. It is not clear to me from the entries in the log what is preventing the transition to the READY state.
Any assistance in determining what might be interfering with this gateway’s ability to connect to the cell network would be appreciated.