Returm firmware R72 to 6.63 Fastrack Supreme

I’m update my modem of original version to new realese R72, but after this operation the modem not receive satelite information.
I think the problem is in the firmware or in the antena.
I need correct’s files to return at the original firmware.


You’ll have to use the DWLWin to re-flash your modem. It’s available from the Products->Downloads->Tools section of the Wavecom website.

Firmware is supplied as .wpk files - the current version is available from the Products->Downloads->OpenAt Software Suite->Software Development Kit->Official Release section of the Wavecom website. To see previous versions, click on the ‘Archives’ link in the top right-hand corner of the web page.

Note that you will have to log in as a ‘Developer’ before you can get access to the product downloads.

The Release notes for the firmware (also available from the Wavecom website) have detailed instructions on how to use DWLWin to re-flash the modem. There are other threads on the forum with more detail about doing the actual re-flash.

Remember that you will have to pull the ‘BOOT’ pin on the DB15 to ground via a 10k resistor at power up to put the modem into boot mode. Again, see the other threads in the forum.

ciao, Dave


isn’t possible downgrade the version only is possible to encrease de firmware version.
The problem is in AT comande WIOM i’m a error in the string GPIO8.
The new firmware increase more parameters in many commands.


you can downgrade the firmware from 7.x to 6.63.
But there are quite some differences in at-commands and adl-functions.
so downgrading also means a rewrite(or a complete check) of any code you have written for 7.x .

I’ve had this same thing happen as well. Are you remembering to set the Band setting properly using “AT+WMBS”? After upgrading (or downgrading) you will have to use this command if your region’s cellular bands are not the same as what is on the FW by default. I sometimes forget to do this and think something is wrong when it isn’t.