MP70 dropping ethernet connection

Firmware ver 4.15. Connected device is a Tough-book CF33. Carrier in this case FN. (We use Verizon as well)
I am noticing that the ethernet connection gets dropped frequently. I haven’t been able to determine where the problem is because I haven’t been able to determine a base cause. I usually still have connectivity to the internet and can access the modem remotely when this issue occurs. I’ve been resolving by rebooting the MP70 and rebooting the Tough-book. Either one or the other will usually but not always work. Could this be an issue with the MP70? If so, is there a way to have the MP70 keep this connection alive?

Hi jmartin1,

As you mentioned, there is only a connection issue between MP70 and Toughbook. Have you ever seen this issue in the previous firmware?

To narrow down the issue, please help to provide your configuration and log file:

  • The configuration file is in ACEmanager → Template, click Download button.
  • The log file is in ACEmanager → Admin → Log, click Download Logs button.


firmware version is 4.15
log 4-13-22.txt (1.1 MB)
When you say configuration file, do you mean download a template from that modem?

Adding some more info. Yes, this has been an issue since we rolled-out the MP70. We have been on ver 4.13 and just started pushing 4.15 a few months ago.

Yes. Could you share your template file?


Hi jmartin1,

The new ALEOS version 4.15.3 has been released. Please try the update the latest version and monitor the issue again.

If the issue still happens, please share your template and log file.
