I have got a Wavecom FastTrack M1306B and I wanted to tried the “Hello World” Open AT example. I followed the tutorial suplied with the Open AT SDK (I used the following AT Commands : AT+WDWL for downloading the program file, then AT+CFUN=1 for reseting, and finaly AT+WOPEN=1 to execute the program).
After executing the program the modem stopped to respond to any AT Commands and is not usable anymore. It keeps displaying +WIND: 3 at a regular period in hyperterminal.
I tried various reset AT Commands (AT+CFUN=1, AT&F) but they did not help : modem is answering OK to all the commands without interpreting them.
Have you got any ideas on what is going on ? And how does hardware reset work ? I’ve seen a method with putting a low signal on PIN 14 of DB15 connector, but how can I achieve that ?
Any help would be really appreciated !