LX 60 loosing connectivity at 15 mins

Been working with an LX 60. Private verizon network. Connecting through AceManager to laptop ethernet. Routers are not my field of expertise. Here is the “physical” scenario. At start up, powere light goes red>green. 10 seconds more signal strength indicator and internet light flash red, few more seconds they go to green. Laptop has internet and can connect to AceManager. Was asked to upgrade FMware from 11.1 to 1.3 to ver 4.14.0… no changes were noticed. DMZ is manual, Host is static. Have spent hours and hours working on investigation with no positive result. When router is up, we can see internet traffic through our firewall. 15 minutes later I loose connectivity, internet and signal strength lights turn red and blink at the same time then alternate red.

Hi jery.hink,

The network and signal light flash in red that means the device is not in network coverage or it is in a location with poor signal.

I wonder if your device was in the location that had strong signal? Is there an antenna connected to Cellular antenna connector on the back of your device?


Hi jerdung! thanks for the reply. Yes sir, the LX60 has 2 antenna connections. Both are connected correctly.
We are in “good” cell service territory. On startup the signal and cell lights are maximum green. The communication lights indicate data activity from the laptop. Everything works fine. But the problem is that the router drops everything at 15 minutes. The power light is still on. Both signal lights go from solid green to red. Connectivity is lost, signal is gone. Unplug form main power, everything restarts, same thing. All good until 15 minutes then it crashes again and again and again. jer

Hi @jery.hink,

I think Sierra Wireless is aware of this issue. So, you can wait for the next FW will be released.


Does anyone know if this issue was ever resolved? I have an LX60 with the 4.17.1 ALEOS firmware (latest as of today) that appears to be doing the same thing.

The Signal LED shows solid green initially and network activity works fine right up until the Network and Signal LEDs start flashing red together. After a little while, the Network and Signal LEDs do a red “chase” sequence for a bit…and then return to blinking red simultaneously. It is still doing the two red LED patterns after 20+ minutes (hasn’t self recovered).

Hi @nickb,

Welcome to our community!

  • Please ensure that antennas are properly attached to the LX device. Two antennas are required when connecting to an LTE network.

  • Please make sure your SIM card is still working well; you can insert it into another device (such as a phone, tablet,…) to recheck.

  • According to the LX60 Hardware User Guide, on page 31-32: https://source.sierrawireless.com/resources/airlink/hardware_reference_docs/airlink_lx_series_userguide/#sthash.uYDPKtLP.dpbs

    – Signal:
    Flashing Red: Inadequate (equivalent to 0 bars)
    – Network:
    Flashing Red: No network available
    → You should move the gateway to a location with a better signal.

  • In case issue still persists, please share log file and template file from the LX60 with me.


Hi @jerdung

See attached log and downloaded template (some IDs redacted). The log is from a few days ago, and the template was downloaded today. In the meantime, I setup an hourly standby which seems to help…but the router still often goes offline in the latter half of the “online” 0:10-0:50 window.

20241108_182328_filteredlogs.txt (1.2 MB)
lx60-vzw-xml.txt (56.5 KB)

Hi @nickb,

Based on the log file you provided, I can see that the RSRQ and SINR levels are poor.
A nearby laptop or other electronic equipment may be interfering with the signal. Please try moving the AirLink LX60 to a different location to get better signal.


Ok. Not sure why signal fluctuates so much. I am using the standard “sharkfin” antenna with diversity from Sierra Wireless and have it in a window of the building. Odd that RSRQ/SINR would go from good to poor in the matter of a few minutes without the unit moving.

I saw in the log file that there is a 1 hour “backoff” period on the network watchdog reset. Is there a way to reduce that 1 hour timer? It seems like the LX60 doesn’t recover until the reset occurs, so I’d like it to happen faster if possible (like after 15 minutes without connectivity).

Hi @nickb,

Please refer to the “Network Watchdog Timer” section on page 79 of the ALEOS 4.17.1 Software Configuration User Guide for AirLink LX60 to see if it’s helpful for you.



Did you find a way to stabilize the LX60 connectivity ?

I have some troubles with them too. Their connectivity is lost everyday, for 15 mins, they comes back on and off and on all day long.

I can notice the remote mgmt interface is pretty slow too…performance seems to be poor but the LTE RSSI and RSRP signals strengh are very high.

Hi @jp.castilloux,

Welcome to our community!

  1. Please ensure that antennas are properly attached to the LX device. Two antennas are required when connecting to an LTE network.
  2. Does your SIM card still work well? You can insert it into another device (such as a phone, tablet,…) to recheck.
  3. How many devices are you encountering this issue on? Is there any other LX device with the same configuration that is working well?
  4. Please share log file and template file from the problematic LX60 with me.


I think I have fixed my problem by :

  • Upgrading the firmware to 4.17.1
  • The radio module firmware version is SWI9X07Y_02.37.03.05 52ddef jenkins for the WP7610 module
  • I have done some tweaking which are :
  • Disabled eSIM port
  • Disabled SIM switching
  • Enabled watchdog for Cellular interface ( timer at 5 secs + accelerated interface scan enabled )
    ( in monitor section I configured ping to / interval 60 secs / 5 sec between ping / 5 number of pings / low power mode link recovery / 3 max number of consecutive link recovery attempts )
  • Configured my static ip APN of my SIM in the backup APN
  • In service / Power management, I disabled Low voltage standby mode and Standby mode too
  • Disabled NTP server mode
  • Disabled NTP Client ( too instead sync with the cellular network )

I dont know what did the trick but now it works flawlessly since a week now.

Is there a way to export the config of this modem to replicate it in my template ?

Thanks !

Hi @jp.castilloux,

You can save the current configurations using the template file.

The configuration template file is in ACEmanager → Template, provide any name you desire for the Template Name, and then press Download to retrieve the template file.
