Very many of the links in the FAQ/Wiki thread are affected by this: FAQ forum/wiki? - thus greatly reducing its usefulness, and the usefulness of the rest of the forum!
We have upgraded phpBB to the latest version (3.0.8 ) and migrated it to new servers. Now that it is in a more stable environment we’ve continued our investigation. I’ve found all of the missing posts and topics in the database, so no data has been lost. It appears that the reason the topics/posts cannot be displayed is because the associated forum id ‘15’ is missing in the database. You can still find them in a search because the search function only searches the posts and topics tables and does not require the forums table.
I’m working on a solution which, if it works, will place all missing topics in a locked archive forum for read-only access. Unfortunately we have no way of knowing the details of this missing forum so we can’t recreate it completely.
Not long after the SiWi takeover, there was a lot of “restructuring” of the forum - a load of new sections were added and, not very long after, a lot were removed. And many were renamed
eg, there was briefly a “Known Bugs” section.
Is it possible that, with all this adding & removing of sections (“forums”?), these posts managed to get “disconnected”…?
This was a separate issue which we have now dealt with. We implemented a URL Rewrite for the old domain which will send the request to the new forum URL and preserve the URI so that you aren’t just sent to the index page.