Have tried upgrading fastrack M1206B modem (Q2406B inside) with 657f000 binaries and associated downloader software.
I do +CFUN=1
Then +IPR=115200
Then +WDWL, & Xmodem the downloader dwl.dwl file.
All goes well thus far.
Then I select the Q2406B.dwl file and it downloads, and I end the session with CFUN=1
The modem reboots but stops immediately, reports ‘Fault 04’ and the CTS line seems to be permanently pulled low.
I hear the onboard SMPS whine for a fraction fo asecond and then it halts, obviously the unit is crashing out, but how do I restore previous versions now, or even get the modem working correctly ?
Tried this with 2 seperate modems and got the same results. I’m using a cable which has RTS and CTS connected
Any help much appreciated
Chris Barron