How to get EM7565 activated on carrier?

When I go to AT&T or Verizons website and try and get a plan, it asks for the IMEI number, and when I use their site to check if its “compatible” it just says its not compatible with their network. I’ve been to stores in person and simply get denied when I give them the IMEI number.

I find it hard to believe my recently bought 4G module won’t work on two of the biggest carriers (in fact, I think its laziness on the carriers part to allow “uncertified” devices to connect).

How am I supposed to get a carrier to let me on their network if none of them will accept this hardware?

Is there any actual technical restrictions put in place, or can I just give the site a random IMEI and throw the SIM in with my module?
And if so, doesn’t the carrier know the IMEI when I connect, and would I be at risk of being disconnected for having a different IMEI connecting than the one I gave them?

what is the SKU on this module?


Here is the SKU:
SKU: 1103520

if you put a AT&T/VZW SIM card to it with corresponding PRI setting, will it register network successfully?

I attempted to put my AT&T existing sim in (from my current phone), and after enabling, it seems to be searching but never connects.

After running mmcli --modem 0 --enable

  Status   |                   lock: sim-pin2
           |         unlock retries: sim-pin (3), sim-puk (10), sim-pin2 (3), sim-puk2 (10)
           |                  state: searching
           |            power state: on
           |         signal quality: 75% (recent)
  3GPP     |                   imei: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
           |          enabled locks: fixed-dialing
           |           registration: searching
           |   packet service state: detached
  3GPP EPS |   ue mode of operation: csps-2
           |     initial bearer apn:
           | initial bearer ip type: ipv4
  SIM      |       primary sim path: /org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/SIM/0
           |         sim slot paths: slot 1: /org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/SIM/0 (active)
           |                         slot 2: none

If I try mmcli -m 0 --simple-connect='apn=enhancedphone,ip-type=ipv4v6'

error: couldn't connect the modem: 'Timeout was reached'
# mmcli --modem 0
  Status   |                   lock: sim-pin2
           |         unlock retries: sim-pin (3), sim-puk (10), sim-pin2 (3), sim-puk2 (10)
           |                  state: enabled
           |            power state: on
           |         signal quality: 75% (cached)
  3GPP     |                   imei: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
           |          enabled locks: fixed-dialing
           |   packet service state: detached
  3GPP EPS |   ue mode of operation: csps-2
           |     initial bearer apn:
           | initial bearer ip type: ipv4
  SIM      |       primary sim path: /org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/SIM/0
           |         sim slot paths: slot 1: /org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/SIM/0 (active)
           |                         slot 2: none

Then it will go back to searching after a minute. I have verified there is no SIM pin.

My actual connection attempts aside, How do I get past the initial IMEI check that carriers do? Do I “activate” a SIM on an old phone, then move it over? Does AT&T or Verizon check the IMEI sent when connecting to their network (I hear its optional on LTE?)

Also, here is the Hardware info from mmcli:

  Hardware |           manufacturer: Sierra Wireless, Incorporated
           |                  model: EM7565
           |      firmware revision: SWI9X50C_01.14.13.00 883709 jenkins 2022/01/05 07:08:35
           |         carrier config: default
           |           h/w revision: 1.5
           |              supported: gsm-umts, lte
           |                current: gsm-umts, lte
           |           equipment id: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

And the console output for PRI

PRI Part Number: 9907344
Revision: 002.003
Customer: Generic-M2M

Carrier PRI: 9999999_9907259_SWI9X50C_01.14.13.00_00_GE

I flashed SWI9X50C_01.14.22.00_ATT_002.071_001 and its connected now.

So, I suppose I should just buy SIMs for an old phone and move the SIM over? Any potential unforeseen consequences down the line?

You better check with at&t

I kinda have… I’m wondering how other people are doing this, as I doubt I’m the only person in the US that owns an EM7565.
AT&T customer service won’t tell me anything other than the IMEI is unsupported, so go pound sand.

Obviously others got through this intial process somehow.