Fastrack M1306 problem

i can’t write an AT command in the hyperterminal
the device was connected but the hyperterminal blocked (can’t write any thing)
have you a solution?

is your baudrate correct?
try to enebled echo

How will that help?

To set command echo on the M1306 requires an AT command;

Setting local echo on hypoterminal proves nothing.

Is the cable correct - with all control lines - and hardware flow control enabled in hypoterminal?

What does the LED on the unit show?

THE LED IS RED continously
bit per second:115200
databit :8
parity :none
stop bit: 1
flow control: hardware

I have the same problem, the same settings.
Red light is on when I open COM port. HyperTerminal receives nothing…
OpenAT tools wont recognize the device…
Device: Fasttrack M1306b gsm/gprs cl10 modem

Any solutions ?