It was in the beginning of this thread in Finnish.
I stole this screenshot from @Donald and marked existing items by red ovals. Those buttons marked with yellow box are missing.
I have installed and uninstalled this Build4814 countless of times during last few days.
This is Fujitsu laptop and there is carrier logo inside zip. And the zip is downloaded from the link You gave.
There is a folder skins and there you can find Default_66*.xml for Fujitsu. There is also a logocarrier.png for Fujitsu.
One new option “Connections…” and icon for it appeared after installing using the following command line:
SkylightInstaller.exe /autolaunch=0 /advanced /defaultview=2 /autocreateprofile=0 /smsnotif=1 /smssupport=1 /alwaysshowconnmenu /alwaysshowbnonoffmenu /advfwimgswitch=1 /gpsmonitor=1 /gpsautosession=3 /desktopshortcut=0
I tried earlier Skylight.exe /h and Skylight.exe -h etc, but didn’t try it with installation package
EDIT: Partial breakthrough… Run as Admin, but still GPS is missing
Thanks for Your efforts. I didn’t find solution to my problem.
Finally I had to give up. It is not like me, but I must realize that it is more important to do some productive work than struggle with gps.
When I need maps I have old Garmin mapsource & nroute applications and I’ll start using those.