EM7455 Flash

The URL from the Homepage seems different as in the Code. But not sure.
Someone else on Github has the same Problem.
But still no solution for it.

Probably you need use the MBPL usb driver and fwdwl tool to download firmware in linux


ohh thats out of my range now

Is it possible to rewrite the Code, that he uses the File direct from the PC?
Not to download it first?

What do yoy mean actually?

My Coding Skills are 0 so i cant do that.

The Autoflash 7455.SH code is written so that it first wants to download the firmware from the sierra site, is it possible to modify the code so that it uses the firmware directly from the folder?

you can try to delete line 538:

[[ $download_modem_firmware_trigger ]] && download_modem_firmware

Thanks so far… now hes flashing a different firmware SWI9X30C_02.39.00.00… this one is even not in the folder

then is the download ok?

hes downloading a different version, but this one is not in the folder.

now i tried it again but now I have an error unknown firmware image file

not even know where is the location of your file…

its under home/alptech/Downloads

then why did it show unknown FW image?

still trying to figure it out

this is the new error code after deleting line 538

no idea, you might need to use the official fwdwl tool


Many Thanks, I found a solution, had to change Line 308 “Release 23” to “045”
Then the Download works again for FW SWI9X30C_02.30.01.01 and I can Flash the Modems.