Em7355 impossible connect 4g service

Hi good morning, I have a EM7355 module installed into a Panasonic thougbook cf-54.Module work but only in 2 g. Cannot connect in 4g service. Operator is Vodafone italy and sim card in another module work fine. I have try to Force manualy but whene try to attach is a 4g service I get error - NO supporter service. Someone can help me? Thanks in advance


have you checked if the LTE band is supported in your location?

You can check current band in your module by the followings:


Thank you for your reply

Index, Name
00, All bands

have you checked if the LTE band in specification is supported in your location?

Yes, alredy check. There is it

This is the band plan in Italy with frequency

Have you set to LTE only in at!band?
What is the return of at!gobiimpref? And at!gstatus?

Try to Force in LTE ONLY

I can’t force to selrat=06 (LTE ONLY). PLEASE SEE ATTACHED

In at!selrat=08 mode is ok but 2g only

When you force LTE only, the signal RSRP of antenna is very bad…
not sure if this is antenna problem or location problem?

BTW, did you set correct APN in AT+CGDCONT?

From at!gobiimpref, you might need to download a new firmware with generic setting


Ok, I have update firmware, force to LTE only correctly but ever same problem , service not avaible .

Not sure why the signal RSRP of antenna is very bad…

Hi, I can try with external antenna and ipex adapter.Also I can try the module into usb adapter… and try

Yes, you can try and see, good luck!

No way!! I have try with external antennas and with adapter USB!! No story!! Bad module? Which alternative to this module compatibile with cf-54 Panasonic?


What is the return of at!custom?

Hi, im sorry for delay…

Its incredible , I have buy this card belive no problem in my laptop (this is specific card wwan)…by now is a horror movie :ghost: