Does EM7455 works with the development kit?

Hi all,

I have purchased a set of development kit (MC DEV KIT_6000648) and one EM7455 LTE module. Here is the link of the development from DigiKey

But I found two problems when I try to put them together.

1, the RF connector of EM7455 is not UF.L, which doesn’t match with the development kit.
2, the PCI-e interface of the EM7455 and development kit doesn’t match.

Therefore, can I ask a few questions?

1, can EM7455 works with the development kit? Do I purchase the correct development kit for EM7455?

If the answer to the first question is yes, then can I ask:

a, what’s the type of the RF connector of EM7455? Is it MH4? I think I need to buy some converter for this type of connector. Am I right?

b, what’s the type of the PCI-e like interface of EM7455? Do I need to buy some PCI-e converter to convert the interface of EM7455 to the PCI-e interface?

Thanks in advance.

Hi Alex
You’ll have to use use EM devkit with EM7455 modem.
Or you can buy a MC7455 to use with your MC dev kit.


When I use your website and choose the dev kit for MC7455, it points me to this link

But I found that this one was obsolete so I choose another active one. I didn’t notice the mis-match. The link you pointed to me seems cannot be found from DigiKey.

Anyway, I will try MC7455.