This sounds like a simple question, but somehow my Wavecom WMP50 processor is not behaving a I expect.
I am trying to disable CTS and RTS. If I issue the command “AT+IFC=0,0” from the command line, this does the trick perfectly.
However when I try to do it from within an OpenAT command using adl_atCmdCreate then it simply does not work. I also issue the command at+ifc?" from within my program and this responds with “+IFC: 3,3” which does not even seem to be documented anywhere what this means.
So please, if anyone knows what “+IFC: 3,3” means and have some advise on how to issue the command AT+IFC=0,0" successfully, I would be very greatfull.
Just for completeness sake… here is the code I used which does not work:
void SwitchOffHandshaking(void)
void CheckIFC()
adl_atCmdCreate ("at+ifc?", FALSE, CheckIFChandler, "*", NULL);
bool SetIFChandler(adl_atResponse_t * paras)
return TRUE;
bool CheckIFChandler (adl_atResponse_t * paras)
s32 slResult;
if (strstr((ascii*)paras->StrData,"+IFC: 0,0")==NULL)
slResult = adl_atCmdCreate("AT+IFC=0,0", FALSE, SetIFChandler, "*", NULL);
if (slResult != OK)
debugPrintf(uri, "Cannot switch off handshaking");
return TRUE;