CGPS Example Included in OpenAT 4.11

Hi all,

Has anybody got the CGPS example (Query Application) going on a Q2687?


Hi Tyrone,

I have executed the Query App sample and it works fine on a Q2687 Wireless CPU. Are you facing any probleml while executing the application?

Open AT Fan.

Good morning OpenAT_Fan,

When executing, I receive an error +CME ERROR: 4 which according to the documentation measn that the CGPS feature is not enabled in the wireless CPU. I have asked my Wavecom FAE, but haven’t received a response yet.


Hi Tyrone,

You are right. If the sample application responds with a +CME ERROR: 4, after giving AT+WOPEN=1, it means that the CGPS feature is not enabled on the Wireless CPU.
In this case, it is the FAE who can help you out by enabling this feature.

So, the best way out is to wait for the response from the FAE and get this feature enabled.

Best Regards,
Open AT Fan.

Is there an ADL function to subscribe to the FAE responses…? :laughing:

Hi all!!!
So the problem with 2686 and GPS:
i activated C-GPS stack, download ads_QueryApp_H.wpb.dwl in it, made at+wopen=1 and after this modem don’t response on any AT command. And the same thing was twice
(i use q2686 DK with c-gps DK)

So without having to go through my FAE, can someone here tell me how to enable the C-GPS feature? Or at least where to look? Do I need to get a password from my FAE in order to successfully enable this plugin?
