Hello all,
trying to use QueryApp sample as a sample .
GPS is Eride Opus I.
OS and library versions are in the subject.
Oasis 2.30.
Hardware set as in example Opus 1 at UART2, GPIO pins connected as in example:
adl_ioDefs_t ADL_IO_NRST = ADL_IO_GPIO | 19;
adl_ioDefs_t ADL_IO_GPS = ADL_IO_GPIO | 22;
adl_ioDefs_t ADL_IO_TCXO = ADL_IO_GPIO | 23;
It compiles and WDWLs OK.
GPS GPIO subscription failed
Tried AT+CGPS and AT+NMEA commands in reverse order with the same result.
Errr, why? It used to work on the same q2686h with firmware 6.x, CGPS-OPUS-I 1.07.2002 , WIP 3.20.2030
Dose anyone use the same hardware/library configuration successfully?