Problem with Ping_GPRS and q2501b

Let me explain in detail. I have a q2501b module and open at v3.10 firmware in the module. I am having opent at v3.01 in my pc.

Before upgrading firmware version to v3.10, the module had firmware version 3.01.

After upgrading to the new version(done by my distributer), i stopped getting +wind indications and started getting +ciev indications(not much information in documentation).

I recently downloaded the Ping_Gprs example on the module. As given in the forum after starting the Ping_Gprs embedded application using at+wopen =1, I gave the command at+cgatt=1 and there was no response regarding this command, and my module stopped accepting AT commands. It just gives some +ciev respones which i can’t understand.

Can anyone help?


I am pretty sure that you should have the same OpenAT in both the module and the PC. I don’t think an application built on OpenAT 3.01 on the PC is compatible with the core firmware used for OpenAT 3.10.

I think you will really need to upgrade the software on the PC, too.

Please post the response of


That might give a clue why you don’t receive +wind indications…

I have no idea what +ciev indications are, so I can’t help there…

Best Regards,