we received new party of wavecom product Fastract supreme 20. On these producs, we can not connect ftp server while we can still connect on previous products. Previous products and new party products have same firmware, we installed same application file on both. Strangly new ones can not connect ftp with wip_FTPCreateOpts function. It returns NULL.
I searched a little and found a topic which says it may be about Internet Plugin disabled with new modules. I executed AT+WCFM=5 and it returns +WCFM: 00000070,0 on new modules. On the other hand, this command returns +WCFM: 00000031,0 on previous modems. But i couldnt understand what this response come to mean. Does it mean that internet plugin disabled on these modules or what else can cause this annoying problem?
i read the documentation but it is not clear. It says 01 means Internet plugin, 02 means MQTT… and so on for FtrMask. But I get 00000070 as a response, so what does it mean? it doesnt suit any explanation on the documentation.
By the way i contacted my distributor, he checked the firmware and plugins that were sent to me. He said ftp client feature is not activated on the modules newly sent to me. He will ask Wavecome for what to do and return back to me. I hope he can solve without changing the modems with the new ones!
hi awneil,
I can not get you. You wrote 0 stands for disable, 1 stands for enable. 00000070 is a bit-map o the features. But what does that mean? what does 7 stands for? if the first char (0) means the feature is disable but which feature? I couldnt find any clear explanation on the Open AT documentation.