AT Command / Terse mode issue

I am running a fleet of ES450s and a small handful of them respond differently to AT commands. Their result codes finish the response with an OK on a new line. When I assign ATV0 (Terse mode), the OK goes away but is replaced with a 0 on the following cursor line:





How do I get that second 0 to disappear? It is messing with some scripting we use on the devices. The LX40s all seem to have the OK as standard so I can use the scripting intended for them on these outlier devices but would rather figure out how to make the cursor line 0 go away.

Hi @Matt.Pickney,

According to the definition in ITU-T V25Ter, when you use the ATV0 command, the Result codes become numeric, so “OK” will be changed to “0”. If you want the result codes to return “OK,” please use ATV1.


Thanks for the feedback. I understand that ATV0/ATV1 will make the text show either a 0 or an OK. What I am looking for is for there to be neither. That is what happens on the vast majority of the ES450s we are running. I need for the AT command response information to return then CRLF to the next line with no additional text. I cannot find the setting that isolates that behavior. I initially thought it was ATV but that isn’t the ticket.

Hi @Matt.Pickney,

As far as I know, after sending an AT command to the device and receiving a response from the device, there should be an “OK” in the response. It cannot be without “OK”
