AirLink RV50 Serial Port Hardware Flow Control


I’m trying to set the serial port to use hardware flow control.

If I try using the AT\Q1 command I get ERROR as a response. AT\Q2(Software Flow Control) works OK.

Any idea why AT\Q1 doesn’t work?


I’ve also tried setting the flow control to hardware via ACEmanager. When I do this it’s impossible to talk to the modem via the serial port.

We have a special application for our RV50’s and for them to communicate properly I had to set Flow Control to None to talk to our data loggers at 9600,8N1 which can not be changed. This was a pain as the LS300’s, X’s and XT’s we have did not need that set to this but to hardware. :confused:

Our biggest issue with the 3 we have for testing is getting them to even work with Verizon. AT&T via EOD is a plug and play snap. Verizon works when you boot up the first time then after reboot NADA!