I can’t get the RV50 to pass Test Emails I generate by the instrument I have connected to it. I can communicate with my instrument , send setup ini files to it & download gif image files with data with no problem, but I can’t receive emails generated by the instrument. A few years ago, I used the Raven to do the same thing with no problem at all. My instrument tells me that a Test Email was sent, but it never shows up. Please advise on what I should try, thanks.
Could you help to share your configuration on RV50 and which firmware is using?
The email is generate by the instrument which is connected to LAN of RV50, isn’t it?
Make sure that the instrument can connect to email server correctly.
Hi Jerdung,
Thank you for your email. I am attaching a pdf that shows the network IT settings set within the measurement instrument which is connected from its Ethernet LAN port to the RV50’s Ethernet LAN port. I am also attaching the latest setup file (GPC200505) for the RV50 for one of the instruments I have in the field now. There is a Test Email button on the instrument, and when I press it, the test email is generated and I get a message that the Test Email was Sent Successfully, but no email ever shows up in my inbox.
I am able to log in to the instrument and can see all of its readings & functions as well as send commands to the instrument such as Instrument Reset, etc. The instrument responds fine, but when I try to send a Test Email from the instrument’s Command Page, again, I receive no email, but the page tells me the command was sent successfully.
The network IT settings in the instrument can be set to use the manufacturer’s email server (@pqube.com) or Gmail. I’ve tried both. I also set the Gmail Security setting “Less secure app access” switch to off, so the Gmail account setup for this instrument can send Gmail to me when the instrument and RV50 sends the email to the Gmail account.
I am also attaching an overview of the Verizon IP address settings for This is one of the instruments that I’m not receiving emails from.
I previous used (in 2012) the older Sierra Wireless Raven cell modems with this exact same instrument (earlier model) and had no problems getting the emails through an AT&T account (I no longer have this account).
Waiting on your recommendations.
If you give me a list of changes to apply to the RV50, I can try them. I have 7 of these instruments out in the field and not getting emails from any of them.
Thank you so much for your help.
200513 - Example of Verizon IP Address Setup for (92.9 KB)
200513 - Network IT Settings in Measurement Instrument Connected to Sierra RV50.pdf (710 KB)
(Attachment GPC200505.xml is missing)
Could you help to connect your PC to RV50’s LAN ethernet, and then access to pqube.com or gmail mail?
If you can access and send email successful, there is no problem with RV50 configuration, Please check with instrument configuration.
If you use Gmail, you should set “ON” for “Less secure app access”.
On RV50, make sure there is no blocked port or IP (-> Security-> Port filtering/Trust IP)