We are trying to optimize the consumption of the WP7702 modem. We have 2 modes, one in which the system is fully operational and therefore GPS + GSM and a state (the one in which the modem remains most of the time) in which the GSM system is registered but inactive and the GNSS is turned off. I would need the WP7702 modem to remain in a low power state when not transmitting, but with the modem in registered state, capable of receiving SMS at least. GNSS is turned off. The target consumption would be around 30mA when in this state. I have tried different combinations, but excluding the methods in which I completely turn off the device (and then wake it up with an accelerometer or when a timer expires), consumption remains around 80Ma, and we are running out of ideas. Any suggest?
Dear jyijyi,
we dont use LTE-NB modes, but just GSM (radio rat GSM). In ULPM mode we are round 2 microA. This is nice. What we are looking for is a middle-way mode. Modem registered cause customer have to send SMS and wake-up the system but at same time optimze as much as we can this idle state.
Actually we sand this commands to optimize when low power needed:
The console is still responsive. But on the board now i have a connector for both console and usb. I will discuss it with engineering and will give you some feedbacks…