WP7607 update problem

it’s impossible to update WP7607.

root@iot:/# qmi-firmware-update -d 1199:68c0 --device-open-qmi -u /root/WP7607/WP76xx_Release13.1_GENERIC_GCF.spk 
loading device information before the update...
setting firmware preference:
  firmware version: ''
  config version:   '002.068_000'
  carrier:          'GENERIC'
rebooting in download mode...
download mode detected
**error: error creating device: HDLC trailing control character not found**
root@iot:~/SLQS/SampleApps/Firmware_Download# ./bin/fwdldarm -s ../../build/bin/arm/slqssdk -p /root/WP7607/WP76xx_Release13.1_GENERIC_GCF.spk 
Detecting USB of the target
Communicating with the target
Switching to firmware download mode
Downloading the firmware
and its just hang in loop

any suggestions?

How about transfer the .spk file to module /tmp folder, and update by “fwupdate download /tmp/xxx.spk” ?

haven’t tried fwupdate
however updated without no issues using swiflash

I am in need to access module /tmp. Given the scenario, there are several module plugged to linux pc, How to access individual wp7607 module /tmp dir?

Do you set different ip address for each module or use the default

I dont set any explicit IP.

then all the module will have same IP address and you cannot transfer file…


  1. How to access /tmp for single module connected?
  2. How to set explicit module IP? I guess its not tye pdn Ip assigned by network.
  1. scp xxx.spk root@
  2. you can use ifconfig in module to set the ECM interface IP address.

HI , follow this https://source.sierrawireless.com/resources/airprime/software/swiflash/#sthash.s69Z5SnX.dpbs

hi @vitthal.agav ,

Is there any other solutions for Linux non x86 platform?

this also works with x64/AMD…which is yours ?

Hi @vitthal.agav ,

no, I need arm based application


enable ECM by AT!USBCOMP=1,1,8010D
then you can copy your spk/firware image using scp - scp xxx.spk root@
Then use- fwupdate download firmware.spk
This will flash the firmware

You can send file to specific module also
Enable ECM only on required module by AT!USBCOMP=1,1,8010D… Then you can see only one usb0 with … Then you can ssh and scp to root@

To disable ECM AT!USBCOMP=1,1,10D

Hi @vitthal.agav ,

Sorry, because I’m new to WP series,

Can you specify more detail about it?

What’s is timing of firmware upgrade in your description?

Should I need to install any 3rd software?

I’m using buildroot to build up a linux router


Hello fashionshow0,

I suppose you are using Linux operating system.
make sure you have installed drivers for WP provided by Sierra
by default - you would get /dev/ttyUSB0 /dev/ttyUSB1 and /dev/ttyUSB2 if you plug in the modem.
/dev/ttyUSB2 is your AT command interface. ( you can get minicom application for running the AT commands)

I also assume you are using only one WP module in you linux.
if so, check your ifconfig, if you see usb0 with then you are ready to ssh/scp.

if not, once you are able to execute AT commands, fire below AT commands

after this you modem will reboot and you would see the usb0 ( in ifconfig.

then you can scp your firmware file as I mentioned in last reply. and run fwupdate comand as below
fwupdate download firmware_file

that’s it, your module will be flashed in a while.

no other/ third party applicaiton is required except minicom ( to run AT command) if you have any other applicaiton that is also fine.

Best luck!

Hi @vitthal.agav ,

Thanks for the reply!

And all assumption in my environment could be applied,

But two more question,

  1. Where the fwupdate come from? Does it called fwupd now?
  2. Should I use legato before? Because I’m not using it on our platform

Because I saw the link below on gitHub (GitHub - rhboot/fwupdate: System firmware update support for UEFI machines)

And also in my case, I have to compile fwupdate/fwupd by myself


fwupdate is already in the modem, you have to first ssh into root@ then you can execute this.
Legeto is not required.

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Hi @vitthal.agav,

Got it and really appreciate!

please correct me if I’m wrong

So the following operation is for setup the ssh password for module


And Also

when I ssh into WP7607 and run fwupdate download $fw_filename

it will grab firmware file from /tmp automatically?