WP7607 update problem

No, you need to specify the full path

fwupdate download /tmp/test.cwe

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No those commands are not to set the password.
password you have to ask your vendor or try “A710”

those commands are to setup your ECM interface to ssh into module. that you have to do only if usb0 is not created in ifconfig.

give full path of firmware file to fwpudate

Hi @vitthal.agav ,

Sorry about that, It seems not work about some of the AT commands

But in some cases, for ex WP7607, when I ssh via root@, the prompt message will let

me to setup default password of ssh user.

But in some cases, for ex WP7611, it will show ssh fail by ssh know_host file like below

Screen Shot 0003-05-26 at 1.23.23 AM

Is there anyways to reset / reconfigure ssh settings of legato system?
