where to start?


I got a Wavecom Fastrack Supreme 10 (FSU001) already programmed to be used in a car (fleet management), and I need to change the APN and the IP/port where device is sending data.
I’m using OpenGTS for fleet management and have programmed other GPS devices, but have no clue where to start to change the settings for this one.

Can someone “turn on the light” for me, and explain the steps to take, so I can use this device ?
I’ve dowloaded the software from Sierra wireless (Developer studio) and Wireless Discovery tool, made the serial cable and can connect to the device through the serial port.
Used Developer studio and upgraded the firmware to R7.47.0.201202010317 but that’s all I figured out to do.

Thank you. very much,

You need to contact whoever supplied it and/or programmed it…