where to get the Target Monitoring Tool?


I download the Open AT Software Suite v3.19 and installed, but I can not find the Target Monitoring Tool, Serial Link Manager or Terminal Emulator. Shouldn’t that all come with Open AT SDK.

I Search for the files:

  • MoKa.exe
  • Selima.exe
  • Inca.exe
    and they don’t exist in my PC.

I look for them at wavecom web site (I have username and password) but cann’t find.

Can someone please advise how can I find (get) it?

Thanks in advance.

They’re not part of the SDK. Go to the download page and look under Tools->Development toolkit.

I’m pretty sure that they are - certainly for v3.19.

But they probably aren’t installed by default - you have to specifically select them during the intallation process.

Be sure to check ‘Development Toolkit’…

The TMT is under the developer toolkit. It is part of the package called the “Developer Toolkit”. For some reason it is not selected to be installed by default so you must explicitly select for the Developer Toolkit to be installed when going through the SDK installation process.

Thank you very much. I find it at the web site like you suggestion.

Thanks for you reply, too.
I view the install CD again to look for them, but they do not there.
So I think they are not for V3.19.

Thank you all !

You won’t see them on the CD!
They are part of the SDK installer - you will need to run the installer, and check the appropriate options during the installation process…

I got it ! During the installation, in the OpenAT IDE list, there is the Development Toolkit option.

Thank you very much !

SOLVED: the problem is in the checkboxes!

There is a bug in the Open AT installer (I´ll call this a bug, altought some people - the guy who designed the installer, probably - would prefer something lighter)

When you run the installer, at a certain point, you have to choose which features you want to be installed. You´ll see something like this:

Select the features you want to install, and deselect the features you do not want to install
[v] Open AT IDE
[v] Open AT OS
[v] Open AT Firmware

However, the software designer who made the graphical interface assumed that a a marked checkbox [v] means “some features selected”, while most windows users (myself included) assume that a marked checkbox in this situation means “all underlying itens selected”. Guess what, these users are right, and the software designer wrong, because in Windows interfaces there is a “grayed checkbox” which is used to indicate that “some items, but not all, are selected”.

So, what you have to do is expand the “Open AT IDE” item, and manually select all items under it - including the one we want, named “Development Toolkit”.

Select the features you want to install, and deselect the features you do not want to install
[v] Open AT IDE
  [v] IDE
  [v] GCC
  [v] MINGW
  [v] Eclipse
  [v] CDT
  [ ] JRE
  [ ] Development Toolkit   <-- select this one here!
[v] Open AT OS
[v] Open AT Firmware

This will give you the Target Monitoring Tool.
