Update of ED libd by using WIP plugin

Hi all,

I have to update a TCP/IP client over GPRS connection by using the WIP library because my modem is a Fastrack Suprem.
I don’t well understand how to replace “ed_senddata” function by mechanism described in WIP documentation.
Does ed_senddata should be replaced by wip_write function which should write data in a buffer in order to send to the server ?

Could someone help me on this subject or give me some informations about the porting of ed_lib to WIP lib?

Thanks for your help


Isn’t there a “porting guide” that describes moving from EDlib to WIP?

Try looking in the Application Notes section…

Sorry but I haven 't found porting guide in applications notes section …
It is strange because this a big change in Wavecom TCP/IP API.

There is a porting guide from eDSoft v3.10 to WIPSoft v2.01 - that’s probably what I was thinking of:

WM_DEV_OAT_UGD_027; Rev 003; 12 Jan 2007.

You should contact your distributor to see if they have anything similar for WIPLib…