Undocumented ADL traces: Undocumented: ADL_TRC_ Trace Levels used internally by ADL
This is not true!
The ADL trace function in the embedded Application is not limited to 6 parameters and does not ignore additional parameters.
The limitation is only in Developer Studio’s ability to display the traces - see: DS 1.2.0 & 2.0.0 TRACE limitation
A note should also be added about the %f bug - at least, a cross reference to where that is described
(when will this bug be fixed??)
- There is no “Application Initialization service” - it is called the Application Entry Points Interface
- The Task Initialisation Table does not affect what flow is used - it’s always ‘ADL’
“CUS4” was changed to “ADL” years ago: Undocumented: ADL_TRC_ Trace Levels used internally by ADL
I have never seen this appear anywhere in any Traces - what does this mean?