ls: …/out/pro-lib.bin: No such file or directory
ls: …/out/pro-lib.bin: No such file or directory
Make an archive file for TMT application
zip warning: name not matched: ../out/tmt/e2p_csn.cso
zip error: Nothing to do! (…/out/tmt/
zip warning: name not matched: …/out/tmt/backtraces.axf
zip error: Nothing to do! (…/out/tmt/
zip warning: name not matched: …/out/tmt/backtraces64k.axf
zip error: Nothing to do! (…/out/tmt/
zip warning: name not matched: …/out/tmt/symbolfiles/s
zip error: Nothing to do! (…/out/tmt/
zip warning: name not matched: …/out/tmt/symbolfiles/s64k
zip error: Nothing to do! (…/out/tmt/
zip warning: name not matched: …/out/tmt/symbolfiles/e2p.h
zip error: Nothing to do! (…/out/tmt/
adding: DiagnoseTips.ini (176 bytes security) (deflated 87%)
enter new zip file comment (end with .):
adding: MokaWatches.ini (176 bytes security) (deflated 67%)
current zip file comment is:
[Binary Information]
does anyone know why this /out/tmt directory is not being created and what is the remote trace file?
Yes!!! I’m not alone! I have the same problem…
I tried to create a simple project for Eclipse on OpenAT 4.21 (clear or
based on Hello_world app, it doesn’t matter) using IDE 1.00 -> Project
Wizard (all paths to OS files, and firmware files was checked twice).
Then I start LoadEclipse.bat in project directory, it starts Eclipse and
opens this project. But when I try to build it shows 3 errors:
- 00 [Time = 00]
- enter new zip file comment *00:00
- enter new zip file comment * DiagnoseTips.ini (152 bytes security) (deflated 87%)
And in Console Window I have
... Make TMT directory ...
Create ../out/tmt/config/DiagnoseTips.ini
Create ../out/tmt/config/MokaWatches.ini
Create ../out/tmt/config/RemoteDefs.ini
Create ../out/tmt/mingw.wks
No remote trace file found
Create TMT archive file
ls: ../out/pro-lib.bin: No such file or directory
ls: ../out/pro-lib.bin: No such file or directory
Make an archive file for TMT application
zip warning: name not matched: ../out/tmt/e2p_csn.cso
zip error: Nothing to do! (../out/tmt/
zip warning: name not matched: ../out/tmt/backtraces.axf
zip error: Nothing to do! (../out/tmt/
zip warning: name not matched: ../out/tmt/backtraces64k.axf
zip error: Nothing to do! (../out/tmt/
zip warning: name not matched: ../out/tmt/symbolfiles/s
zip error: Nothing to do! (../out/tmt/
zip warning: name not matched: ../out/tmt/symbolfiles/s64k
zip error: Nothing to do! (../out/tmt/
zip warning: name not matched: ../out/tmt/symbolfiles/e2p.h
zip error: Nothing to do! (../out/tmt/
adding: DiagnoseTips.ini (176 bytes security) (deflated 87%)
enter new zip file comment (end with .):
adding: MokaWatches.ini (176 bytes security) (deflated 67%)
I tried to figure out the reason, but ran out of variants. To solve problems I did:
To uninstall this version, clearing environment variables and
install previous version of OpenAT (4.20)
To install all components of this package ONLY in default paths
without spaces in fullname etc. (Open AT wizard wanted to see C:\tmp
dir, to work properly, I created it)
Reinstalled clear Windows XP SP2 (it’s English version with Russian
MUI) and tried to install 4.20 and 4.21 but it didn’t help too.
And I found that IT IS NORMAL, because dwl(app binary) file is created! I killed 2 working days for nothing. I programmed 8 programming languages in various IDEs but it is the first time when errors are normal thing. It should be written in docs or some info during the installation process.