New to Sierra Wireless cards.
After many hours of learning ,struggling with a Sierra Wireless EM7455 a couple days ago,was able to very momentarily make a connection to Operator with an activated Visible sim card. Would only connect for 10 seconds. The syslog really never could devlage what was causing this. This is a connection setup through NetworkManager gui.
Was using the latest generic rom image. After many hours trying to get good connection decided to flash to the Verizon image. Then am getting 'not enabled,and clicking the enable button in NM gui nothing happens
tried doing many many 'simple connect 'examples from terminal found in Google none worked
Have learned many ,many AT commands to try,and none seem to remedy the ‘not enabled’ problem.
One thing I noticed doing an mmcli -m 0,in the info modem is in low power mode. Cant remember if this was showing when i was able to get a connection.
Can anyone give any insight were i should look for clues?
I have been flashing all thought Debian have always used the GENRIC firmware until yesterday,seeings how this is a Verizon connection i tried the Verizon firmware. Not sure if just conicendence but this is when started getting the ‘not enabled’ situation on bootup. Also worth noting just earlier today i rigged a winders machine and tried flashing the Sierra firmware to it,looked like it didnt do anything . So after this reflashed a couple times through Linux to the Generic,but looking at the results you wanted it is showing “SIERRA”,this module sure seems dogey but this is my first time messing with these. So not sure what i should be seeeing it goes without saying. Also worth noting this card shows as an EM7455B. Never have found out what the “B” designates.
Here is output of the three commands
preferred fw version:
preferred carrier name: SIERRA
preferred config name: SIERRA_001.023_
Current Time: 207 Temperature: 35
Reset Counter: 3 Mode: LOW POWER MODE
Thank you for getting back. This is what puzzles me,All of the AT commands i see in posts,this never echos about half,of what others are showing should be a an echo. I am using minicom as the connection. I did try putty and never see any returned characters. Not sure what this is. What little i used in the past for serial I have always used picocom. Never can get it to show anything either.
Kind of wondering if this module may be half toast. This was a new sealed unit,straight from China !
I will try and use putty with the same commands you wanted.
Yes,i did the EXE at work today on windows box… it appeared nothing ever actually wrote toe card,but a you can see in the mismatch,this is the SIERRA. yes #27 is what i chose. I only have Linux at the house,other than Windows VM’s…
Thanks for helping on this,
I did rig up a Windows machine and actually flashed with Generic.exe # 27 firmware. As soon as modem rebooted after flash completed, the pci-e adapter now has the led blinky light showing again. Was wondering if maybe the module had partially died.
Put it back in the host Debian Bullseye machine and the led is showing again& it is enabled. !
Not sure why have so much trouble flashing through Linux utilities. I have tried about all possibilities this way.
i appreciate the input, unfortunately i have no way to get that information. i tried tech support for the computer warranty and they were also unable to solve. sad because this was working just a day ago