RV55 connection on a Linux PC

Hi all,

Is there a documentation to optimizing the RV55 router on a Linux PC? All info that i’ve seen is for a Windows PC. We need to deploy a VPN connection to our Linux PC, is this possible?

Thank you.

Hi david.moreno

You can launch the Firefox browser on your Linux PC and enter the IP address and port number to access to ACEmanager. Then you can configure RV55.

Yes, it can.
Please refer to AirLink RV55 Series Software Configuration Guide for more information.

Hi @Donald

Thank you for your reply. I have a problem with port forwarding now…

I have a computer connected to RV55 and it has internet connection.

  • RV55 IP:
  • Computer IP:
  • Computer Gateway:
  • SSH Server port: 22

When I define a port forwarding rule it does not work.

  • Public Start Port: 10011
  • Public End Port: 0
  • Protocolo: TCP & UDP
  • Host IP:
  • Private Start Port: 22

The computer has a noip service running to make a dynamic DNS. It is working well because it returns the public ip of the computer correctly.

If I try the correct ssh comand nothing happen:

  • ssh -p 10011 user@dnsname

If I type another port it tells me connection refused and if I type another dns name it tells me ‘Name or service not known’. This means that the above command is correct and the request is arriving, right?

So, what is the problem in this deployment? I need help because I have no idea what could be happening…

Thank you.

Hi david.moreno,

As the original problem was answered. For other issues, you should create another new ticket for easy tracking.
