I’m seeing an unusual line of code (to me) in the system log of one of my RV50X gateways.
notice ALEOS_CELL_RadioTask: GetFotaState: could not find fota state from command AT.DMREAD=“5/0/3”
The modem has been in the field for five years and has current OS and radio firmware. The system loses connectivity but the modem doesn’t power cycle to heal.
As your description, you’re trying to do FOTA on the RV50X, is it right? If yes, what is the current firmware on your RV50X and what firmware do you want to update? Besides, is your device registered to AirLink Management Service? Can you provide the link of the device for me to check?
In addition, according to your description, I understand that your RV50X lost connectivity but it doesn’t power cycle to heal, is it true?
If yes, it may be caused by Cellular Watchdog are not enabled, could you please check again?
Thanks for the reply Jerdung. The firmware is current and it’s on Airvantage. It’s currently offline and my tech is bringing it into the shop for me to further diagnose. I believe Watchdog is enabled but I typically leave those settings default for my application.
I’m not sure what Fota is. I’ve done some research and I’m coming up blank. I have a couple of hundred RV gateways in the field and would love to have a better understanding of what Fota is.
“Thanks for the reply Jerdung. The firmware is current and it’s on Airvantage. It’s currently offline and my tech is bringing it into the shop for me to further diagnose. I believe Watchdog is enabled but I typically leave those settings default for my application.”
→ According to what you describe, I understand that the RV50x device has been taken to the shop for further diagnose. If you need any more assistance, please let me know.
“I’m not sure what Fota is. I’ve done some research and I’m coming up blank. I have a couple of hundred RV gateways in the field and would love to have a better understanding of what Fota is.”
→ You can refer to update the ALEOS software and radio module firmware over-the-air (FOTA) at the following link: Monitor - alms - Sierra Wireless
According to your description, I understand that you are using RV50X, is that correct? Besides, you want to perform FOTA (Firmware Over-The-Air) on RV50X. If that’s the case, what is the current firmware on RV50X, and which firmware do you want to upgrade to? I will update the firmware on my device and let you know the result.
Which network provider’s SIM card are you using?
In addition, could you please share the full log file and template file with me for further investigation?
Has there been any resolution to this? I’m seeing this same event appear in the log numerous times and it only started after I updated the ALEOS firmware to version
Yes, I am referring to the RV 50 device. I am seeing the above mentioned 'notice ALEOS_CELL_RadioTask: GetFotaState: could not find fota state from command AT.DMREAD=“5/0/3” ’ in my logs repeatedly.
2.filteredlogs.txt (1.1 MB)
I’m not using the Airvantage server to manage the modems.
My older modems are RV50 model. The 4.17 release is NOT applicable to the RV50! I am not trying to do a firmware over the air request from the AT commands. This is a firmware bug that Sierra Wireless will not address. I have about 90 sierra wireless cellular modems. I need to order 29 more for another site. I have no faith that Sierra Wireless cares to support their products. Version 4.16 is totally flawed. Why have they abandoned the RV50?
My issue is the same as the others in this thread. My log is inundated with these FOTA errors. Firmware is 4.16.021. I thought I had found some AT commands that had fixed the issue but after logging in just now, the messages are still coming in so I set my device to reboot every 12 hours so when it drops communications my tech doesn’t have to run out and reboot the modem to get it back online.
Hello, I am noticing multiple RV50 devices running FW with the following message inundating the logs:
notice ALEOS_CELL_RadioTask: GetFotaState: could not find fota state from command AT!DMREAD=“5/0/3”
We also experience network connectivity dropouts as well. Are these related? Does this “firmware over the air” bug in the logs impact device performance?
I’m also seeing this error and VPN tunnel is being torn down about once every other hour at the specific minute. We are running 4.16 on RV-50. Is this a firmware issue with no fix on the RV-50?