RV50 Remote Management with IP Passthrough enabled

Hello, I have an RV50 with a public static IP that is connected to a router (RV042) thru IP Passthrough. Currently, if I use the public IP in a browser, I get to the router (RV042) management page, which is good. But I also want to have the ability to access the RV50 management page remotely. I tried using the 9443 and 9191 ports, it didn’t work.

The RV50 is configured as follow:
IP Passthrough: Ethernet
IP Passthrough mode: First Host
DMZ: Automatic

What adjustments do I have to make for this to work?

Thank you,


Please check Services -> ACEManager, if Remote Access is not enable, you can not access the ACEManager of RV50 through WAN interface.



Yes, sorry Remote Access is enabled on the RV50.

I was able to remote access it before setting the DMZ to Automatic, which routed the traffic to the router.

Thank you,


I managed to do this by setting up a port forward on the router (RV42) for ports 9191 & 9443 to the internal IP of the RV50 (i.e

Now both devices can be managed remotely.
