I have an RV50 that has locked up on sending and receiving data a couple of times it is currently connected to ATT as the operator and UMTS with RSSI -56.0RSRP 0.0Ec/Io -3.0RSRQ 0.0
Logs look like seeing some LTE not compatible with radio but both FW’s are the latest, Anyone else seen this. I have multiple other units across multiple states and don’t see this in their logs?
Jul 25 12:25:48 notice ALEOS_LINKMGMT_linkmon: Current: RSSI=-57, RSRQ=-20, RSRP=-140, SINR=0
Jul 25 12:26:12 err ALEOS_CELL_RadioTask: Cannot find LTE band in the radio response
Jul 25 12:26:12 err ALEOS_SYSTEM_Cmdexe: Currently connected to unknown band class
Jul 25 12:27:22 err ALEOS_CELL_RadioTask: Cannot find LTE band in the radio response
Jul 25 12:27:23 err ALEOS_SYSTEM_Cmdexe: Currently connected to unknown band class
Jul 25 12:32:32 err ALEOS_CELL_RadioTask: Cannot find LTE band in the radio response
Jul 25 12:32:33 err ALEOS_SYSTEM_Cmdexe: Currently connected to unknown band class
Jul 25 12:33:12 err ALEOS_CELL_RadioTask: Cannot find LTE band in the radio response
Jul 25 12:33:13 err ALEOS_SYSTEM_Cmdexe: Currently connected to unknown band class