I am trying to set up an AirLink RV50X on Bell Canada in Ontario. The SIM card is active and in good condition. I get a solid green power light and red blinking signal and network lights. I have a remote antenna held up high outside the small building I’m in. I can’t get any signal on the Airlink, despite my cell phone also being on Bell Canada with a moderate to strong signal inside the small building. I’ve tried updating the radio module firmware and the ALEOS software with no luck. The selected radio module firmware is “generic”. I’m at a loss for what to try next and looking for suggestions. Any ideas are appreciated.
Hi @derek.lawrence,
Welcome to our community!
- Please make sure you have properly attached the antennas to the device. Two antennas are required when connecting to an LTE network.
- What ALEOS version and radio module firmware have you updated to?
- Could you please kindly share the full log file and template file from the RV50X with me?
Hi Jerdung, Upon further investigation I suspect that my SIM cards might not be active, and I’m currently trying to determine if they are active with my carrier. I have not updated the firmware on the current modem I’m working with (i have three). I’m using ALEOS version 4.15.2. Unfortunately as a new users I’m not able to upload documents. Thank you.
Hi @derek.lawrence,
Please refer to the following link to obtain ALEOS version and radio module firmware for RV50X: https://source.sierrawireless.com/resources/airlink/software_downloads/rv50/rv50-firmware-list/#sthash.ARcHrTrA.dpbs
Then, consult the section “Update the ALEOS Software and Radio Module Firmware” on pages 25-33 of the AirLink RV50/RV50X Software Configuration Guide document at the following link: https://source.sierrawireless.com/resources/airlink/software_reference_docs/airlink-rv-series---configuration-guide/#sthash.hrcDfxoK.dpbs