require OEM password

I am trying to switch the MC7700 card from DirectIp mode into QMI mode. I did some research and found the following way:

AT!ENTERCND=“OEM password”

However I cannot find the “OEM password”. Is there any way to get this or do I have to ask our distributor? Thanks

Google for ENTERCND. You never know… You might be lucky :slight_smile:

Of course, all the usual warnings apply. There is a reason those commands are password protected.

Why waste time faffing around? Just ask them :exclamation:

I do not like all the unhelpful employees on this board. The password is “A710”.


That’s a bit unfair - most of us responding to questions are NOT Sierra Wireless employees being paid to answer questions - we’re third party developers (probably like yourself) who feel that we can put back into the community when we know something of value.

Some of the SiWi employees I recognise on this forum don’t work in this area (and probably don’t know much about this particular device series), and others who do may not be allowed to publish such info due to NDA or other restrictions.

The only way to get a definitive answer for any question relating to SiWi products is to ask your distributor.

ciao, Dave


Please I have similar issue but mine is MC7710.Please how do I know the OEM pasword? Please I need help.Also I need to know what is the difference in DIP and QMI mode?


I really need your help here

Please I have similar issue but mine is MC7710.Please how do I know the OEM pasword? Please I need help.Also I need to know what is the difference in DIP and QMI mode?