I’m trying to build the QMI SDK for Linux binary on a Raspberry Pi. I have the “Application Developers Guide, Linux QMI SDK” document, with enumeration 4110914, V1.21, dated July 06, 2015.
I’m running on a Raspberry Pi 2, Model B with the latest version of Debian Wheezy OS and
uname -a
Linux topdeck 4.1.6-v7+ #810 SMP PREEMPT Tue Aug 18 15:32:12 BST 2015 armv7l GNU/Linux
SLQS03.03.10.bin.tar.gz and
I believe I’ve successfully build the drivers (having to modify some code to run under 4.1.6-v7+), but have stumbled on building the SDK libraries. The documentation indicates:
navigate to pkgs: cd pkgs
clean then build: make –f pkgs.mak complete
clean: make –f pkgs.mak clean
build: make –f pkgs.mak
Actually you’ve downloaded only binaries file: it is a set of libraries that allows you to compile your own application (doc sub-directory provide all the documentation to do it), or re-compiled the samples provided.
It is not possible to recompile the whole SDK with this tarball.
If you want to do it, you need to contact a sierra provider to get access to source code
I also have the same problem.
The driver is correct built in kernel since the ttyUSB and qcqmi interfaces exist under /dev.
But while I try to run the sample code connectionmgrmipsel by the command as below. /bin/connectionmgrmipsel /bin/slqssdk 0/bin/connectionmgrmipsel
I got the error output on console as below. SWI API: SDK process startup failed SWI API: SDK process startup failed Failed to start SDK : Exiting App Failure Code : 2
Could someone provide the suggestion to address this issue?
I would appreciate for any input.
I too trying to recompile sample applications. I do have in tar only pkgs/slqscompile.mak and there are no other files. Is there a way we can compile sample applications?
So, after some discussion with my VAR (Feeney Wireless), yes… there is a whole bunch of stuff “missing”. To do what I need to do, I needed to execute a 3-way software licensing agreement (SW, Feeney and me) to get access to the real source (and hopefully everything I need to compile things). Will report back if, once access is granted, I’ve made some progress.
i was able to create samplapp binaries for raspberry pi 2 with crosscompiling on a 64bit mint linux system (x86_64). the binaries are statically linked.
get crosscompiler
cd $HOME/bin
git pull [github.com/raspberrypi/tools.git](https://github.com/raspberrypi/tools.git)
for creating 32bit binaries with 64bit compiler add -m32 flag to pkgs/slqscompile.mak (not needed for raspberry)
CXXFLAGS += -m32
LDFLAGS += -m32
for raspberry add crosscompiler and remove -m32 flag (not needed when not added above)