I am a new guy using OpenAT. Nowadays, I am using a development kit Q26 with Q2686G. But when I use m2m studio’s helloworld sample, after compile and download, I can not see “hello world” from the uart1.
The version about m2m studio: “Sierra_Wireless_Software_Suite_v2-35_Full_Installer.exe”
The target status panel content is as flowing:
general information
Embedded Module: Q26 (Q2686G)
serial number: 709150180781405
IMEI number: 359983001555584
Local port: NULL – here is warning, report is that impossible to detect local port(no answer to AT+WDM=2)
Open AT application
State: running
Name: null
Company: null
Version: null
Size: null --here is warning, report is that size of openatAppBinary detection failed
Build data: null
Checksum: null
Start address: null
Components: Open AT OS Package v06.02
Matching package: Null --warning: The detected firmware version (R71b00gg) cannot be found in installed package
Version: R71b00gg
Size: 2076944 bytes
Build date: 072408 15:49
Checksum: null – warning: checksum of firmwareBinary detection failed
Start address: null
Version: V08b03
size: NULL
Build date: null
checksum: null
start address: null
First, I am afraid that the key is the firmwave’s version problem, then I use the tools in the m2m studio’s target status panel to download new Firmware Package, But the downloading continued about half hour not finish without end.
then, I turned to download new bootload to the embedded core using m2m studio tool in target status panel.
but at the end of download process, an error curred, the info is as following
“An error occured during downloading of C:\Program Files\Sierra Wireless\Embedded Software\com.wavecom.openat.ide.spm.fw.model.\resources\swift\dwl.dwl”
Now I am confused, anybody who can help me, thanks very much.