I am trying to run the hello world application in debug mode. I am getting following compiler warnings and i cannot debug it. The vc++ compiler says
“Hello_World_rte.dll not found”. While building the application i get the messages below.
LINK : warning LNK4075: ignoring /EDITANDCONTINUE due to /INCREMENTAL:NO specification
Creating library rte/vc6/Debug/Hello_World_rte.lib and object rte/vc6/Debug/Hello_World_rte.exp
LINK : warning LNK4098: defaultlib “MSVCRT” conflicts with use of other libs; use /NODEFAULTLIB:library
Software Generation Toolkit
SGT_VER = v1.2.11
SGT_DIR = /cygdrive/C/OpenAT/Tools/SGT/v1.2.11
Scripts path for SGT :
Type help_sgt for a list of SGT commands
cp: cannot stat `/cygdrive/C/OpenAT/V301/TgtGen/Rte_Lib/*.exe’: No such file or directory
File not found - rte\vc6\Debug\Hello_World_rte.dll
Hello_World_rte.dll - 0 error(s), 2 warning(s)
Its working fine in target mode. I also downloaded the “dwl” in target mode. The problem is in the debug mode
Plz Help