We have a problem with the very simple Hello_World example provided with Open AT V400.a03. (Wismo Quick development kit)
We’ve compiled this example using GCC according to instructions in OpenAT tutorial and then successfully downloaded it to
Q2686 Wireless CPU. However, after issuing AT+CFUN=1 and AT+WOPEN=1 commands nothing happens.
The AT command still works so the modules doesn’t seem to hang, but we never get the “Hello World” output
Search and click the question :
“An Open-AT application runs in debug mode but not in target mode. What is the proper process to exit from debug mode?”
Thanks for your reply but our SDK does not contain the RTE enviroment
We are also missing the RTE library, so we are unable the build a application in debug mode
So it’s unlikely that the cpu is stuck in debug mode
Having said that, If the cpu is in fact stuck in debug mode
what is the proper way to exit from debug mode without the RTE enviroment?
We received new software from our distributor and now everything is working as it should
The demo applications are running, the RTE environment is running
So it looks like the Open AT V400.a03 software we received at first was incomplete/broken