Yes. I always use the open at project wizard in opening the sample application. Here is the full build message: What could be the problem? Thank you for the response.
C:\OpenAT\exercises\wip_udp_send\LoadIde.bat -p wmmake -RTE
Loading Open AT IDE…
Loading project settings…
Updating udp_snd.mak file from Software Common Settings…
Building mingw_udp_snd project…
Launch a full library or binary process
Get …/…/src/appli_snd.c appli_snd.c
Copy all needed library and object files
Make links C:/OpenAT/OS/3.12.05/ADL/rte_wmadl_3. …/out/rte_wmadl_3.
Make links C:/OpenAT/Plug-ins/WIP/2.00.05/WIP/rte_wmwip_2. …/out/rte_wmwip_2.