Problem after mp70 update failure

after a failed update due to internet loss I can no longer connect with the device ehernet not active serial not active.
I’ve already done all the resets but nothing

Hi @franco.cattaneo
Welcome you to our community
Could you please share with me some information as below:

  1. How do you know the ethernet and serial port are not active? It doesn’t show up in Device Manager?

  2. Have you tried connecting to your MP70 via USB cable?

  3. Are you using a SIM card with public static IP address?
    If yes, please using this IP address to access the MP70 Airlink.
    If not, did you setup the domain name in the Dynamic DNS feature to access the MP70 Airlink? if yes, could you try to access?


Good morning
as far as the network is concerned, the physical connection is missing, the LED on the router does not light up,
instead usb i have problems with windows 7 64 sp1 drivers. no the sim has no public ip but the wifi doesn’t work anyway


Hi @franco.cattaneo
According to your description, there is no way to access your MP70 anymore so I think it’s better in this case you should try resetting the MP70 to factory by press the reset button for between 5 and 20 seconds. For more detail you can refer to Section 2 - Installation and Startup on page 34 in the link below:

Then try access to your MP70 again, do the issue still happens in this case?


good morning yes the reset has already been done the one for 5 seconds and 20 seconds but nothing no network no wifi it is always isolated.
Thank you

Hi @franco.cattaneo
Based on the AirLink MP70 Hardware User Guide, I have successfully factory reset on my MP70 Airlink. So I think in this case you having problems during the factory reset on your MP70 Airlink.

To know if the factory reset process on the MP70 Airlink is successful or not. We must be able to access ACEmanager or AT command on your MP70 Airlink.

So I think it’s better we solve your USB driver problem first.


Good morning
In my opinion, no recovery takes a short time.
Yes I think that first I have to solve the problem of the usb.
Thank you