I am unable to load an Application from the ALEOS AP Framework to a GX400. The error I get is “Permission Denied” when I try to “Run” the smaple “hello” app. The “Developer Studio” connect ok using the UserName : “uasuser” and the supplied PassWord.
QUESTION : How do I create a User account which can be used with the Developer Studio ?
I have a GX400 with WiFi and the latest firmware (GX_4.2.5.005.bin) from the “ALEOS_AF_FULL-1_0_0-windows_x86”, running on Windoze XP.
uasuser is the user compatible with the Developer Studio. However several reasons may explain your problem (a succesful connection without a working download).
Moreover beware that the password for uasuser is not the same as the one for user in AceManager (it’s a common mistake to use 12345 as the password for uasuser).
LMK, if you have followed all these recommandations and the problem still occurs.
Thanks for the prompt response.
Yes ALEOS Framework is “Enabled” using ACE -> Applications.
I have followed the tutorial and worked my way through the Developer Studio tutorial for “hello”. All seems OK until I try to run an Application and get the permissions error.
I also noticed that if I use the Terminal, I do not seem to have any privledges. For example, if I use SSH to “ls”, I either get nothing except a “prompt” in response or a Permissions error.
This seems to indicate I would not be able to change User account or PassWord in future either.
It may or may not be significant, but I do have a WiFi card installed in the GX400.
I made some extra-tests with a WiFi x-card and the and it works fine for me.
Can you send me by mail some information about your configuration ?
the password you use for uasuser (sorry to insist but I have lots of users, including me, that encounter the problems you described when they do not use the right password).
the content of the log file of the Developer Studio (it’s the .log file that is in the .metadata folder in the workspace).
Hi Gaetan,
The PassWord for “uasuser” is that given me by Sierra reps in Australia.
Please advise your email address and I can send you the PassWord and complete .log.
Below is an extract of the last session logged.
at org.eclipse.rse.internal.services.ssh.files.scp.ScpFileService.internalUpload(ScpFileService.java:473)
at org.eclipse.rse.internal.services.ssh.files.scp.ScpFileService.upload(ScpFileService.java:488)
at org.eclipse.rse.subsystems.files.core.servicesubsystem.FileServiceSubSystem.upload(FileServiceSubSystem.java:650)
at org.eclipse.koneki.embedded.lua.core.RSEUtil.uploadFiles(RSEUtil.java:140)
at org.eclipse.koneki.embedded.lua.core.RSEUtil.uploadFiles(RSEUtil.java:153)
at org.eclipse.koneki.embedded.lua.core.RSEUtil.uploadFiles(RSEUtil.java:110)
at org.eclipse.koneki.embedded.lua.core.debug.LuaEmbeddedLaunchConfigurationDelegate.launch(LuaEmbeddedLaunchConfigurationDelegate.java:160)
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.core.LaunchConfiguration.launch(LaunchConfiguration.java:853)
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.core.LaunchConfiguration.launch(LaunchConfiguration.java:702)
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.DebugUIPlugin.buildAndLaunch(DebugUIPlugin.java:923)
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.DebugUIPlugin$8.run(DebugUIPlugin.java:1126)
at org.eclipse.core.internal.jobs.Worker.run(Worker.java:54)
!ENTRY org.eclipse.koneki.embedded.lua.core 4 0 2012-05-29 07:46:49.817
!MESSAGE Unable to upload files
org.eclipse.rse.services.clientserver.messages.SystemMessageException: Error happened while uploading C:\temp\dev_studio_aleos-win32-x86\workspace\Hello\src-lua\main.lua:scp: /tmp/Hello: Permission denied
at org.eclipse.rse.internal.services.ssh.files.scp.ScpFileService.throwSystemException(ScpFileService.java:76)
at org.eclipse.rse.internal.services.ssh.files.scp.ScpFileService.upload(ScpFileService.java:490)
at org.eclipse.rse.subsystems.files.core.servicesubsystem.FileServiceSubSystem.upload(FileServiceSubSystem.java:650)
at org.eclipse.koneki.embedded.lua.core.RSEUtil.uploadFiles(RSEUtil.java:140)
at org.eclipse.koneki.embedded.lua.core.RSEUtil.uploadFiles(RSEUtil.java:153)
at org.eclipse.koneki.embedded.lua.core.RSEUtil.uploadFiles(RSEUtil.java:110)
at org.eclipse.koneki.embedded.lua.core.debug.LuaEmbeddedLaunchConfigurationDelegate.launch(LuaEmbeddedLaunchConfigurationDelegate.java:160)
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.core.LaunchConfiguration.launch(LaunchConfiguration.java:853)
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.core.LaunchConfiguration.launch(LaunchConfiguration.java:702)
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.DebugUIPlugin.buildAndLaunch(DebugUIPlugin.java:923)
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.DebugUIPlugin$8.run(DebugUIPlugin.java:1126)
at org.eclipse.core.internal.jobs.Worker.run(Worker.java:54)
When I login as uasuser via the Dev Env “Terminal” (SSH), the login appears successful but I am unable to execute any commands like “ls”. The commands either just return the prompt or come back with permissions error. I have tried just via SSH (Putty or Linux) with the same results. Incorrect UserName/PassWords comes back with a login failure.
Can you tell me what CLI commands I should be able to execute from the console via SSH for the default account ?
Indeed the problem seems not to be in the Developer Studio. I am still investigating on it. Meanwhile if you have not tried that already, can you proceed to a hard reset of the device (you will have to reconfigure all your parameters through Ace Manager).
Hi Gaetan,
I have tried a hard reset (RESET button in for 8 secs), with same behaviour.
There is another item of anomolous behaviour. Logging in via ACE occassionally (1 in 5 or 6 logins) results in a GX400 “hang” of the web interface. The GX400 needs a power cycle before allowing login. The “hang” shows the main web page but without UserName/PassWord message box.
Hi Gaetan,
Some further info.
I did not look far enough when I said that commands like “ls” were not working via the Terminal.
Yes, commands like “ls” do work but the default location has no files hence no output. For some reason, the default location is not “home/user” but “tmp/RA”.
I can see the list of commands in /bin. Most other sub-directories have restricted permissions and I am not able to enter.
What is interesting is that there is no /home/uasuser. I was expecting that the login UserName of “uasuser” would have one. There is only /home/root and /home/rauser.
According to the Dev Env error message, it appears that the “hello” script is trying to load into the GX400’s /tmp/hello. The user “uasuser” does not have permissions to access /tmp and cannot mdir /tmp/hello. The uasuser does have permission to /tmp/RA.
Can you tell me where the Dev Env should try to load the module and what permissions that dir should have ? It may be the Dev Env is configured to upload in the wrong location.
Thanks for this extra bit of information. According to your description it seems that you are not running the last version of the Developer Studio (Maybe you are using the one of the beta program). Can you please check the version (in Help > about), it should be
The version is It is from the “ALEOS_AF_FULL-1_0_0-windows_x86”.
I did install the “full” version on top of the previous Beta (…). I’ll delete the entire installation and try a fresh install.
Doing a clean re-install of the Developer Studio has solved the problem.
The Developer Studio is now uploading to the correct location.
There must have been artifacts from the Beta installation.
We will add a note in the tutorials to explain to user that they have to proceed to a fresh install if they want to update the IDE thanks to the download package.
However, user should not run into this problem anymore as the 1.0 version of the Developer Studio has an integrated update system. Once a new version is released a pop up in the IDE informs the user and asks authorization to proceed to an automatic update. This is the recommended way to update the Developer Studio.
Anyway, thanks a lot for your feedbacks, it really help us to improve the product.