openAt - under the hood ?!


I am rather new of open AT and the main obstacle I found was to understand the architectural point of view of openAT.
How to develop an application, Subscrition, multi applications , …

I think that there is a lot of material for who already knows openAT but very criptic and little documentation for who starts in understaning openAT.

I apologize for my criticism, but …

Can someone suggest me something to read in order to understand better the sw architectural aspects?

Best Regards

Hee,hee :laughing: You are spot on Alenico. In fact, I think that Wavecom actually created this Forum because of the numerous enquiries on how to use OpenAT.

In terms of architecture, OpenAT is very much object-oriented and hence the reliance on subscriptions. You should read the OpenAT Training material which you should be able to get from your local Wavecom Distributor. Also, I’d strongly advise you find out where & when Wavecom are running an OpenAT Training course, this will be invaluable to you as you can ask questions directly.

Other than this, the best I can suggest is that you try the OpenAT sample projects, and then try to create your own projects - follow the OpenAT Tutorial. Then when you get stuck post your queries on this forum.

I hope this helps you, it can be a bit of a painful process but OpenAT is actually pretty good once you get into it.


Thank you very much for your support, Arfy.

I am beginning to manage the examples and some small own projects and I sure that the module (Q2501) is very, very interesting.

But understanding subscriptions, events, all the variables and structures …is very frustating :cry:

I think I am going to use this forum a lot!!!

Best Regards.
